Accepting new orders
Benjamin Mouflard avatar
Written by Benjamin Mouflard
Updated over a week ago

Please find below the steps to accept new orders 


For security, orders with a prepaid option must be completed within a 5 day time frame. If a restaurant does not complete said orders through the dashboard within 5 days of it being placed, the payment will automatically be voided and the restaurant will not be able to collect any of the payment associated with said order.

Demo video here:

1. Connect to your dashboard:

2. Go to the live orders tab. 

3. Click on the orders highlighted in RED 

4. Click on the "ACCEPT" button on the order card

5. Select the preparation time and delivery time. 

6. Select how you want to deliver (Own drivers or 3rd party delivery company) 

7. Once the order is ready and you give it to a driver, click on "SEND TO DELIVER" to let your customers know that their order is on its way. 

8. Once you got the confirmation your order has been delivered, click on "COMPLETE" to close the order.
Clicking on complete will do the following: 

  • Charge customers card if they paid online 

  • Send a message to your customers to thank them for their order and update them about their loyalty points balance 

  • Prompt them to give a private feedback about their order. 

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