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How to edit opening hours

Manage the hours which your outlet is open to receive orders for delivery and/or pickup

Rabia avatar
Written by Rabia
Updated over a week ago

Editing your outlet's opening hours is very simple. With just a few clicks, you can even set different hours for delivery and pickup. If you don't want to receive orders from one of these categories, it's possible to enable or disable them. Check it out!

Setting up delivery hours

1. Make sure you are accepting deliveries by switching the Order for delivery toggle on top of the page.

2. On Outlets, select the outlet you want to edit and click on Order for delivery, located on the left menu.

3. Scroll down to the Delivery schedule. You will find all days of the week and time slots.

4. To set a day as open/close, click on the toggle button located near the day's name.

5. To set a time slot, select the hour it opens, then the hour it closes.

6. To add another time slot, just click on Add hours and do the same.

7. Repeat these steps for all other days of the week.

What if I'm open until early the next day?

If your opening hours go past midnight, do the following:

  1. Set your closing time to 23:59.

  2. On the time slot for the next day, set the starting time to 00:00 and the closing time to the time your outlet closes.

  3. To add the opening hour for that day, click on Add hours and set them normally, but following these same steps if that day is open until past midnight too.

For example, if an outlet is open from Sunday to Thursday, starting at 18:00 and closing at 02:00 the next day, its opening schedule will look like this:

Copying hours from delivery to pickup

If your pickup hours are the same as delivery, click on Order for pickup, make sure the toggle button on the top of the page is enabled, then click on Copy settings from Order for pickup, located on the right.

Disabling orders for delivery or pickup

If you want to disable one of your order categories, click on them (Order for delivery or Order for pickup) and disable the toggle button on the top of the page.

If you still have questions or need any help, reach out to us!

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