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FAQ - User management

Here are the most frequent questions regarding user management

Rabia avatar
Written by Rabia
Updated over 4 years ago

Where can I see my role and access level?

On the Profile section, you can find your name and check your role and access level. You will also be able to edit your information.

Considering previous roles and access levels:

  • The first user of an organization/business will become the only account owner

  • A user who had access to one or more businesses without outlets will become an administrator

  • A user who had access to one or more outlets will become a manager

  • A user who had both account owner and staff access will become a manager

  • A user who had a staff role will stay as staff and will be able to access the outlets attached to their ID.

Can I resend an invite?

Yes, you can resend an invite! In that case, all past invitation links will become invalid and only the most recent link will work.

On the Users page, click on the user with the pending invitation, change it the way you need, then click on Save changes.

What roles can I assign to my team?

As an account owner, you can assign any of the following roles: administrator, manager, and staff.

What access level does each role have?

Account owner: Has full access to all features

Administrator: Has full access to all features, but can't invite new users

Manager: Can access Live orders, Inventory, Order history, Marketing (except adding a sale channel), and CRM from all or some businesses, which will be defined by the inviting user

Staff: Can access Live orders, Inventory, and Order history from all or some outlets, which will be defined by the inviting user

Is it possible to have more than one account owner?

No, only one user can be the account owner. As a default, it's always the user who created the ChatFood account.

Can I give the account owner role to someone else even though I'm the one who signed up?

Yes, you can do it via live chat.

Can an administrator add another administrator?

No, only account owners can invite other users.

Who can add new users to the dashboard?

Only the account owner has permission to add new users.

Can users be assigned to different businesses and outlets?

Yes. When sending an invite, the account owner can select the businesses or outlets the user will have access to.

Do invitations expire?

No. Invitations don't expire, but they become invalid if another invitation is resent to the same email address.

Can I edit a user invitation while it's still pending?

Yes, you can! As an account owner, all you need to do is click on the invitation, which will be on the Users list, edit, and save the changes. In that case, the previous invitation link will become invalid.

What happens if I delete a user?

They will no longer be able to access your business' dashboard.

Can I mute the ringer notification for incoming orders?

Yes. Open your user profile and click on the toggle to disable/enable sound notifications for incoming orders.

What happens when I disable the ringer notification under my profile?

You won’t hear any notification sound when a customer places an order unless you open the Live orders section and click on Ok to accept incoming orders.

Why do I hear the ringer notification after disabling it?

This happens if you open the Live orders section and click on Ok to accept incoming orders.

Do you have a question that's not here? Reach out to us via chat, we will be glad to help you! 😊

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