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Get to know your dashboard
Get to know your dashboard

Learn the basics of your ChatFood dashboard

Rabia avatar
Written by Rabia
Updated over a week ago

The dashboard is a straightforward tool to navigate and track your orders, and manage your available inventory simple. Here I'll explain a little about each section. Let's go!

⚠️ Depending on your user level, some sections might not be available for you.

Menu bar

There's a menu bar on the left side of the screen, which you can easily expand by clicking on the > button. The menu bar contains all essential functions for your business and a few more if you have a higher user level.

Business selection

On the bottom right at the menu bar, you can switch between businesses if you have access to more than one.

Dashboard page

The dashboard page shows an overview of your business numbers, like orders, sales, average ticket, etc.

The Live orders section contains your live orders coming in and being serviced by your restaurant.

The Inventory section contains a list of every item on your menu, and you can update each one, depending on whether you're serving them or not.

The Order history section tracks all past orders your business has ever had, allowing you to quickly filter back through your records.

If you need to stop orders from coming temporarily, you can pause them for selected outlets.


The Marketing section contains four tabs: Branding, Discounts, Reactivation reminder, and Other marketing tools. They have everything you need to boost your business' marketing.


Under the Customers section, you can find information from all the customers who have ordered from your business.

The Menu builder option contains the following sub-menu items:


The Items section allows you to create items, modifiers, and attach modifier lists to create unique, customizable items for your menu.

Modifier lists

The Modifier lists section is where you create the modifier customizations that can be combined into lists you can add to the items.

The Menu section allows you to select and organize all your previously created items and form the menu that will be seen by all your customers.


The Outlets section controls your outlets' settings, like operation statuses, display photos, and more.

The Sales channels section allows you to connect ChatFood to your business' social media and marketing pages, like Instagram and Facebook, and even your website.


The Help section has two tabs: Give feedback and Search Help Center. Under the first, you can send us any feedback you might have about our product (we read all of them!), and the Help Center is where you can find information about our features (including this article).


The Logout button is at the bottom of the menu bar. Just click on it to log out from the dashboard.

As you can see, our platform is pretty simple and intuitive. But if you still need any help navigating the dashboard, reach out to us via live chat. We'll be happy to help. 😊

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